Sophix Natural

 3,000.00 105,000.00

  • USD: $ 2.00 - $ 70.00

Sourcing and getting pure and raw honey can be a big task but not to worry, we have got you covered

Below are some of the Health benefits of Honey among others:

  • Burns- It has been used as a salve to heal burns and prevent infections for thousands of years. Results also show that it may reduce burn healing time.A study compared honey to a silver sulfadiazene dressing for burns, and found that honey makes wounds sterile in less time, enhances healing, and doesn’t leave as much scarring as the other treatment.
  • Memory- Some say honey can improve both short- and long-term memory, especially in menopausal and postmenopausal women. In one study, postmenopausal women who were given tualang honey treatments for several weeks saw as much improvement in their immediate memory as women given hormone therapy of estrogen and progestin.
  • Herpes- Research conducted in Dubai shows that honey is an effective topical treatment for both oral and genital herpes. It can heal lesions from herpes just as quickly as ointments you find at a pharmacy, and it’s even better at reducing itchiness.
  • Diabetes- It has a lower glycemic index than sugar, which means it won’t spike your blood sugar levels the way sugar will. Honey also has a sweeter taste than sugar and may help you use less sweetener on foods. This makes it a better option than sugar. In one study, researchers found that swapping it for pure sugar is an effective way to keep blood sugar levels steady.
  • Cancer- It is celebrated for its antioxidant properties, which causes many to wonder if it can help prevent or treat cancer. A 2011 study from Iran looked at how honey affects renal cell carcinoma, a type of kidney cancer. The researchers found that it is effective in stopping cancer cells from multiplying, and they concluded that it warrants further study as a cancer treatment.

CAS NO:  8028-66-8


Country of Origin: Nigeria

Packaging: Our Honey is package in plastic air-tight bottles to avoid spillage.

DISCLAIMER: All SOPHIX NATURAL PRODUCTS are for external use only unless otherwise STATED. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Weight N/A

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Formulation Guide

Recommended Usage:  1-70%

Applications: Skin Care, and Cosmetics

Recommended Storage: keep it in a cool location away from direct sunlight and in a tightly sealed container. It's recommended that you use the original container the honey came in, though any glass jar or food-safe plastic container will work. Avoid storing honey in metal because it can oxidize.


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